Private Projects & Hobbies


Chairman for the Düsseldorfer Turnverein von 1847 e.V., an amateur sports club with 1,500 members. Captain and team manager of the affiliated volleyball team DTV 1847 II, which competes in the BFS Mixed League Düsseldorf.

Official for the Breiten- und Freizeitsportabteilung (BFS)  of the Volleyballkreis Düsseldorf, overseeing 35 teams and approximately 420 participating players. I am responsible among other things for the annual beach volleyball tournaments and the Walfried-Röhsler-Cup.

Brainfuck Interpreter & Debugger App

Comprehensive Android app for the esoteric programming language Brainfuck with 2,000 downloads and a rating of 4.7/5. Allows execution of your own code, provides insightful visualisations coupled with extensive debugging support.

App on the Google Play Store

Mermaid Plugin for DokuWiki

This is a plugin for DokuWiki with over 900 active users. It provides support for the diagramming tool Mermaid. Mermaid is a JavaScript based diagramming and charting tool that renders Markdown-inspired text definitions to create and modify diagrams dynamically.

Mermaid Plugin at DokuWiki

Scientific Publications

Three scientific publications, thereof two as first author, with together 79 citations.

Overview on ResearchGate